Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First post of 2012!

I’ve been getting lots of questions about the heart shaped sticky notes in my studio, so here’s a close up of a section. They’re little inspirational quotes and life-reminders to myself, something I can turn to and get myself pumped up whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed or blue. I anticipate filling the WHOLE wall with these things this year!

Also, here's the first non-storyboard related doodles for 2012! Link sketches for an IndieGogo commission.
You can watch me draw these on this week's episode of "Shanahanigans Live!" (airs live every wednesday 7:30 pm EST. Showcases nerdy talk and random rants with me and my bro Shaggy!)


yums said...

Happy 2012! I enjoy your drawings/comics - they are fun and make me laugh. Thanks!

Kt Shy said...

Thanks very much Yums! :)