Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday night flaming sword warrior lady!

Sketched and inked this last night while chatting with my comic buddy Jason Caffoe (uber colourist of the Amulet series) and decided to slap on some colours before posting. Who is she? Where'd she get them swanky swords? What's the story behind the tattoos? Why isn't she wearing a sweater? What did you say to her to make her look at you like that? (You mentioned the sweater, didn't you.) These questions may not have an answer, BUT as always, this was fun to draw!

~Brush and ink, coloured in photoshop

Here are the pencils if you were curious to see my process!


Melissa said...

I'm not sure about who she is, or why she has tattoos - but I love how her foot is drawn!

I hate trying to draw feet!

Andrea K Haid said...

I love this one! Looks awesome. I actually do think she deserves a story... I'm curious...

Unknown said...

Wooow, cool character!

Sean McCormack said...

Bah! This is fantabulous!!! U rock my googly eyes!