Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Nekkid drawrings!

Well, not really, she had stripper tassles on (or whatever the correct term for those thingies is). Here be this week's Dr.Sketchy results! (see mum,  PROOF I'm still going to drawing class!)


Crimson Nematode said...

You need to prove to your mom that you drew some artistic nudes? I bet there's some sort of Freudian issue going on here, but I just cant put my thumb on it =D

Kt Shy said...

Hahaha yeah that does sound kinda weird when you put it that way :D She just wants to make sure I'm being productive with my time off

Tristan Sandnes said...

They're pasties. And it's a cool sketch session.

Andrea K Haid said...

Lovely drawings, I'm jealous, I wish I made it to Dr. Sketchy's!! I am so busy at work, blah. I like your Shiloh doodle as well, love Repo. Your comic-ing is getting fantastic... The style, the ideas... Did you write that you are working on an epic steampunk story?? I am excited...