Thursday, July 24, 2008

Shrub Monkey #63


Brian Evinou said...

Wow thats some nice moody inking! I had no idea, you should do some crime noir..

I park my bike front hallway of my house. If the thiefs get in there Im in trouble.

Hesbell said...

Kt. doth. haveth. outdoneth. thee!
lovin the tones and suchness.

Andrea K Haid said...

On second thought, I am going to not use swearing to describe how wicked the inking is on this comic. I also love the little rainbow collection of noisemakers on the spokes! I forget what those are called...

Kt Shy said...

Thanks Brian! I've been reading alot of Eisner lately. Yeah it'd be fun to try doing some gritty noir comic shorts :D

Thanks a bunch Hes! Dunno why Im typing as I'm gonna go poke you in a sec... ^^

Andrea, I think they're called click-clacks? click-n'-clacks? Damn... its been so long I don't even remember... :P