Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ladies Night at the Comic Lounge

A snapshot from last week’s Ladies Night at the Comic Lounge where myself and a couple artist pals attempt the infamous Super Heroine butts-n-boobs-on-the-same-visual-plane pose… (and broke every spine). 

Last week I was invited out to "Ladies Night" at the Comic Lounge and had an absolute blast. It was lovely connecting with friendly geeky ladies from a whole plethora of creative fields (fashion designers, singers, street performers, writers, animators, comic artists) and of course spending time with my super star pals Adriana, Brooke, TK and Marion.

Mega thanks to Tdot Comic's Alice Quinn for organizing the event and for being a champion of geek culture and community here in T.O.

If you’re local to Toronto the Comic Lounge hosts a lot of fun gatherings and party events (for all boys and girls!) so definitely check them out.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Holy cow! So much awesome in that room alone! :DD